Atma Healing Program

ATMA Healing Program is a done with you transformative 6 month
1 : 1 Personalized Spiritual Coaching & Energy Healing Program

Does this sound familiar?
💗Feeling blocked/stuck when you look inside yourself, want and desire support and resources to do this
💜Lack clarity, creativity and inspiration in your day to day
💙Have trouble expressing who you really are, your authentic self
💚Feeling triggered, agitated, frustrated, burned out or depleted majority of the time
💛Feel like you want to release control over certain aspects and just release it to divinity
🧡You’ve worked a lot on your survival mode/trauma response but still feel it creeping into your day to day dealings
❤️You have a dire need to connect internally and have this as a big part of your life
If you resonate with these - your emotional and spiritual growth needs are really important to you but you’re not sure how to implement this into your day to day or feeling stuck with the current resources...
Wouldn't you prefer this?
💗A wholesome self-care & spiritual routine that fills you up amidst your busy lifestyle.
💜Understand and meet your emotional and spiritual growth needs - remain connected to the real you
💙Your emotional world and emotional connection with yourself is safe, healthy and you attract like-minded people to you.
💚Feel centered, grounded and connected, trauma response no longer rules your inner world
💛Know exactly what fills you up emotionally and spiritually, giving to others doesn't take from you
🧡 Understand your emotional wounds and exactly how to turn them into moments of empowerment and divine grace
❤️Create deep connection with yourself and your personal relationships
With the right support, guidance, and transformative tools you can do all of this!
This is exactly why I created the ATMA Healing Activator program.
This program is for intelligent, high achieving and intuitive women just like you to help connect you with your ATMA - Sanskrit for soul or self, the part of you that's eternal full of knowledge and bliss!! You’re compassionate and you can do anything you put your mind to – except show yourself love and put yourself first!
I've combined my skills as a spiritual coach and an energy healer to be able to guide you into meeting your emotional and spiritual growth needs uapologetically! And put this first, instead of everything else!

What you receive
A unique blend of vedic knowledge, shadow work, somatic therapy, energy/chakra work, psychology, NLP and deep spiritual transformation, makes this so much more than a personal development program!
The flow looks like this over the 24 weeks -
Once/ month 90min spiritual growth coaching
Once. month 90min energy healing
and we alternate like this, focusing on the above flow until we’ve reached the end of the program.
7x 90min Spiritual Coaching Sessions
6x 90min Energy Healing Sessions
Messenger/Email support for support, guidance and accountability
In between accountability calls
Inner Child Healing
Shadow Work
Personalized Guided Meditations
Somatic & Embodiment Practices
Detailed and personalized teaching of your energy body and chakra system
Releasing trauma, calming the nervous system
And so much more!

Leanne Whiting
Disability Worker

Be the first to know when the doors reopen for enrolment!