Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long has Lalita worked in this field?
A. Lalita has worked in holistic healthcare and spiritual wellbeing for a little over 10 years.
Q. Is Lalita Psychic?
A. Yes, although a session with Lalita is unique and differs from how a "psychic" works. She does not use Tarot cards, Pendulums or any other psychic tools during her appointments. All information is channeled directly from spirit to assist in guiding you deeper on your healing path.
Q. What is Lalita's background?
A. Lalita has been a seeker from a very early age but started with massage qualifications in 2006, progressing onto a Reiki mastership, NLP Life Coaching before entering monk life as a nun of Bhakti yoga in 2012 for 5 years where she studied and practiced Vedanta philosophy - a life of selfless loving service to divinity. This taught her how to purify her consciousness to be the best channel and servant.
Q. Can Lalita communicate with past loved ones?
A. This is not a service Lalita provides as she is not a medium. Her psychic abilities are connected with Clairaudient, Claircognizance, Clairsentience and Clairvoyance and is really passionate about using these abilities to support women on their journey to taking back their power and benefit of living a more spiritually aligned life.
Q. How much is an appointment? Cash or card options?
A. Prices range from $80 - $145 depending on the offering and duration you choose.
Lalita accepts both card and cash for her services.
Q. Can I ask Lalita additional questions after my appointment?
A. Unfortunately, due to time constraints Lalita is unable to answer questions after your appointment. She is conscious of allowing time during your appointment to answer any questions you may have. Booking in for a package to lock to commit to your spiritual growth and well-being may be for you.
Q. Does Lalita offer online appointments?
A. Yes, Lalita offers online energy healing and psychic readings within her soul sessions via zoom.