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The Fastest Way to Stop Absorbing Negative Energies

Hi lovely, The absolute fastest and surefire way to stop absorbing is to create a container of your own energy! Empaths are trained from a young age to attune to other's energies to survive. Creating a superpower of high intellectual prowess and intuition - being able to read people, energy and situations easily! Yet simultaneously we hold beliefs, narratives and thoughts like ​❌​ It’s unsafe to be seen ​❌​ I need to fit in - not stand out ​❌​ Everything I do must be perfect ❌​ What I do must be approved by others It can be a cruel, confusing and overwhelming experience to break away and feel completely safe and grounded in your own energy, no longer absorbing and clearly seeing where your energy ends and theirs begins. We often fear that we'll be abandoned, the relationship will change, I'll become selfish and other people will suffer if I stand on my own. And it can take years without the right tools or support! Here are 5 steps I use to create my own energy container ​✅​ Acceptance and awareness of your Empath Powers You’re different and that's an awesome thing! ✅​ Facing internal resistance Seeing and observing the different patterns of resistance that are prominent and stopping you from being content in your beautiful energy ie. Codependency, people pleasing, chaos leading to burnout and overwhelm, sleep issues, attracting the 'wrong' partner, constantly anxious and needing to disconnect, hide or disassociate to regain energy.

​✅​ Use your emotions as feedback, not facts Starting to see the patterns of resistance for what they are - just resistance from receiving the love you deserve. Your emotions are simply trying to educate you on who you are and what you need, especially in those moments when the patterns are activated!

​✅​ Create a Sadhana - Make time to process and come back to yourself Learning to navigate and create mastery within your emotional world, seeing the patterns for what they are and knowing exactly what tools to use in real-time! The most important is carving out time each day to be with yourself to sit with and process your own unique and beautiful energy.

​✅​ The Art of Detachment - Spiritual Symbology Sitting more firmly in your own energy, you can now begin to use your intuitive prowess to see the external energy as a reflection and mirror of your own inner world. Seeing how Divinity is continually communicating with you and encouraging you to grow and evolve.

Which step do you most resonate with? Are you ready to transform your life? Join my complimentary Empath Mini Course below

Learning how to protect your energy without giving your power away!

In loving service,

Lalita | Spiritual Growth Coach


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