Tune In Immersion
Does this sound like you?
Are you wanting more emotional stability and divine alignment in your life?
Are you tired of telling your story over and over again to counselors or psychologists, only rehashing old wounds and not feeling like you’re getting any where?
Do you have knowledge about spirituality, psychology, health and wellness but are feeling a bit stuck in applying it to yourself sometimes?
Are you wanting to feel more aligned spiritually but don’t know where to get started?
Looking for some more tools/ways to go a bit deeper into your spiritual healing journey?
Are you wanting to create a clear framework of self and connection with divinity so your trauma response and mind isn't controlling you?
You can feel in control and finally live the life you want too!?
You've explored
Psychotherapy, counseling, psychology,
Self help/personal development books and seminars
Different alternative therapies, hypnotherapy, energy healing, psychics, meditation, natropathy, homeopathy, crystals..etc
And these have been really helpful for you to understand more about yourself and how to heal but you’re wanting a clear structure of how to put all these things together, how to connect it all to yourself and ultimately self-heal!
Lovely, if this is you...
You’re not alone! There are so many women experiencing this disconnection and deep desire for emotional and spiritual growth.
This is why I’ve created The Tune In Immersion!
We go on an experiential journey together and explore the foundational principles, purpose and function of
The energy body
The lower self -
The higher self -
The soul -
Divinity -
And how each of these parts of self play an integral role in your spiritual healing journey and being but most importantly the focus we'll be on assimilating these foundational principles into your day to day life - Self Healing!
What you'll Recieve
Online Learning Portal
Easily access your 11 day program.
Each day has 2 short videos as well as workbook exercises to help you implement the spiritual self-healing tools into your day.
LIFETIME access.
Phone App
Easily access your guided meditations as well as all the course resources through an application on your phone.
Guided Meditations
You have access to 9 really unique and personalized blend of silent, chakra, mindfulness and mantra meditations that support your tune in process for each day.
WorkBook + Journal
Don't worry there's no extra reading involved as we go through the workbook together in the first video of each day.
Private Online Group
An intimate community to connect, share your journey with, and create lasting bonds.
Inside each module are two videos
The first video is a section of the workbook that we go through together, I read it out by sharing my screen in camera.
The second video is a guided meditation to support you to assimilate the knowledge as begin the journey of tuning in.
And to finish the step are tune in prompts within your journal to further support your inward journey.
By the end you of the course you will:
Have clear framework of self and connection with divinity
Understand and easily apply 3 different types of meditation
Understand the 3 qualities of your soul
Understand your energy body and how to use it to self-heal
Understand how to check-in and create a routine around this instead of giving - burnout - recharge - repeat.
Understand what spiritual self healing is and how to apply it to you
Understand your unique lower self needs, your trauma response and how to meet those needs
Know how to apply the four principles of dharma
Understand the core needs of your higher self
Understand the Vedic viewpoint of the Soul
Understand the three different bonafide ways to approach divinity
Learn transformative communication, connect with and heal different parts of you
Learn the importance of intuition and how to use it to self-heal
​To register for the Program
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Day 1 - Your Energy BodyUnderstand the unique role that your energy body plays within a spiritual self-healing journey and learn how to implement this into your day with a guided meditation and journal prompts.
Day 2 - Core NeedsMost of us don't actually understand what our basic needs are and how to meet them. Codependent relationships teach us to forget ourselves and just focus on survival. Understand your unique needs and how to bring this into your day with a guided meditation and journal prompts!
Day 3 - Lower SelfLearn about your lower self and the unique 5 core needs that must be met. Understand how to connect with this part of you, meet these needs and the importance of this process within a spiritual practice!
Day 4 - Building TrustMoving into deep emotional stability requires lots of patience and kindness towards these parts that haven't been allowed an outlet of expression, perhaps ever. Here we'll go over some gentle tools for how to regularly show up
Day 5 - Higher SelfHere we understand the unique function and qualities of our higher selves as well as the 7 core needs, how to meet them and what happens when we don't meet the lower self needs first!
Day 6 - IntegrationLearn how to integrate both the higher and lower parts of self. Understand the inner flow that needs to take place in order to really step into deep emotional stability and ultimately divine alignment.
Day 7 - IntuitionLearn how to properly use your intuition within spiritual self-healing journey and why it's an important tool to lean on throughout your journey
Day 8 - Vedic Science of the SoulLearn about the unique science from vedic wisdom about your spirit soul, your relationship with the super soul as well as the best practice to activate this into your day.
Day 9 - Three Levels of RealizationAlso known as the three levels of truth or three ways we can understand divinity/god/supreme as well as how this connects with our soul and what practices actually support these different levels
Day 10 - Choosing a PracticeLearn about the 3 different types of meditation practices and which is the best for you to support your connection with lower self, higher self, bringing divinity into your day and ultimately healing body, mind and spirit.
Day 11 - Divinely AlignedLearn the key principle required to bring all these steps together and make your beautiful journey an offering to divinity. As well as the 4 simple steps to bring this into your day!
​To register for the Program
Click the JOIN NOW button below
Choose the 'Tune In Immersion'
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Sign up and follow the prompts to access your Tune In Immersion!
Your Instructor
Hi lovely, I'm a former Monk, Intuitive Energetic Healer, Trauma Informed Spiritual Coach & Mentor located in Northern NSW, Australia.
I teach busy intuitive women to move away from codependent trauma response patterns and lean into the art of spiritual self-healing by taking them on a personalized journey.
The journey guides them through understanding the importance of emotional stability within spirituality and the importance of spirituality and divinity within healing our emotional world, how you can link the two together and live a life of authenticity.
Day 1 - Your Energy BodyUnderstand the unique role that your energy body plays within a spiritual self-healing journey and learn how to implement this into your day with a guided meditation and journal prompts.
Day 2 - Core NeedsMost of us don't actually understand what our basic needs are and how to meet them. Codependent relationships teach us to forget ourselves and just focus on survival. Understand your unique needs and how to bring this into your day with a guided meditation and journal prompts!
Day 3 - Lower SelfLearn about your lower self and the unique 5 core needs that must be met. Understand how to connect with this part of you, meet these needs and the importance of this process within a spiritual practice!
Day 4 - Building TrustMoving into deep emotional stability requires lots of patience and kindness towards these parts that haven't been allowed an outlet of expression, perhaps ever. Here we'll go over some gentle tools for how to regularly show up
Day 5 - Higher SelfHere we understand the unique function and qualities of our higher selves as well as the 7 core needs, how to meet them and what happens when we don't meet the lower self needs first!
Day 6 - IntegrationLearn how to integrate both the higher and lower parts of self. Understand the inner flow that needs to take place in order to really step into deep emotional stability and ultimately divine alignment.
Day 7 - IntuitionLearn how to properly use your intuition within spiritual self-healing journey and why it's an important tool to lean on throughout your journey
Day 8 - Vedic Science of the SoulLearn about the unique science from vedic wisdom about your spirit soul, your relationship with the super soul as well as the best practice to activate this into your day.
Day 9 - Three Levels of RealizationAlso known as the three levels of truth or three ways we can understand divinity/god/supreme as well as how this connects with our soul and what practices actually support these different levels
Day 10 - Choosing a PracticeLearn about the 3 different types of meditation practices and which is the best for you to support your connection with lower self, higher self, bringing divinity into your day and ultimately healing body, mind and spirit.
Day 11 - Divinely AlignedLearn the key principle required to bring all these steps together and make your beautiful journey an offering to divinity. As well as the 4 simple steps to bring this into your day!
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